About the Fund
The Western UNITE HERE and Employers Pension Fund provides pension benefits to a broad, geographically diverse group of employees in the gaming, hospitality, restaurant and food-service industries.

Stronger Together
On January 1, 2024, five west coast UNITE HERE pension funds (Southern Nevada, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Diego and Seattle) merged into the Western UNITE HERE and Employers Pension Fund. Participants retain all benefits they earned in their plan before the merger. Also, service in the areas covered by the merging plans may apply towards the vesting rules for entitlement to a benefit under the Western UNITE HERE and Employers Pension Fund.
The plans were merged in order to better position the fund to weather economic downturns and financial crises with a larger, more geographically diverse contribution base of employees in addition to offering administrative efficiencies and improved investment opportunities.
Benefits of the Pension Fund
Western UNITE HERE and Employers Pension Fund is funded by the contributions made by participating employers under the provisions of a Union contract. You do not pay for the contributions from your paycheck. This is a defined benefit pension plan that provides a guaranteed monthly benefit.
If you are fully vested and meet the other requirements of the plan, monthly benefits will be paid to you for the remainder of your life.
The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) is a Federal agency that guarantees your pension benefit up to certain limits set by law.
You do not have to make any investment decisions because the Pension Fund employs professional consultants and managers who invest the Plan’s money in various types of investments.
Plan Trustees
Union Trustees
Mike Casey, Chair
Brigette Browning
Aamir Deen
Terry Greenwald
Gwen Mills
Stefan Moritz
Ted Pappageorge
Anand Singh
D Taylor
Employer Trustees
Virginia Valentine, Secretary
Doug Cornford
Michael D’Angelo
Michael Grey
Price Karr
Elvia Moreno
Doug Sandoval
Greg Talbot
Adam Wit
Contact Your Administrator
For any questions about your pension, contact your local Plan office. Visit our Contact page for a list of Plan offices and contact information.